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Success Stories

Houston SPCA

Prior to working with Pursuant GivingDNA, Houston SPCA did not have a major gift program. They also had just opened their new Campus for All Animals facility in 2019 and needed steady funding to keep that project afloat as well as continue their existing programs. With the help of GivingDNA, HSPCA was able to identify potential mid- and major-level giving prospects. After an email and a few phone calls, HSPCA received five $100k gifts from donors who had previously given no more than $2,500 and they saw an increase of 26.8% donor engagement overall.

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The Pocket Testament League

For the past three years, The Pocket Testament League has been facing year-over-year declines in Gospel order revenue. They turned to Pursuant’s GivingDNA™ Platform for strategic insight to determine which constituents to target in their phone outreach campaign. The Pocket Testament League was able to identify their mid-level donors and prospects who were most likely to connect on the phone and subsequently make a gift or place gospel orders for themselves and others. These efforts led to a 34% increase in the average gift and a 26% year-over-year increase in revenue.

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As an organization serving the homeless community, CESC saw increased demand for resources amid the COVID-19 pandemic and needed to increase their 2020 year-end revenue. With the majority of their annual donations coming in December, they were looking for a 50% increase in revenue from individual donors that month. With the help of GivingDNA, CESC exceeded that goal and increased their year-end revenue by 84%.

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Second Harvest Middle Tennessee

A regional food bank leveraged GivingDNA to save time and resources searching for donors in their database with capacity and interest in making a major gift to their organization. With refreshed portfolios, major gifts officers targeted communications to those donors, which led to a 70% year-over-year increase in revenue.

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Phi Delta Theta: Finding Major Donors Hiding in Plain Sight

Phi Delta Theta used the power of data to identify new potential major donors, then deploy major gift officers to hold in-person meetings with the right people, in the right place, and the right time. This work put them on a trajectory to raise $200,000-$500,000 within about six months of implementing GivingDNA.

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Phi Delta Theta: Securing an Unforeseen Major Gift

For Phi Delta Theta, finding a major gift prospect in any given city used to feel like searching for a needle in a haystack. But now, with the GivingDNA platform, Phi Delta Theta can find local prospective donors in any city within five minutes.

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A Regional Children’s Hospital

GivingDNA's data analytics tool helped the development leaders segment and align fundraising efforts at all giving levels, but they set out to refine efforts around major giving. They found that mid- and major- level donors were more responsive via phone. After calling 1,963 people, they received 351 pledges and reactivated 235 lapsed donors, representing an 18.39% response rate.

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Tree House Humane Society

The fundraising team had been using three separate software platforms, but determined there was a gap in reaching potential donors. GivingDNA’s robust segmentation features allowed them to tailor messaging to reach prospects not previously on their radar. They now have donors across all 50 states and identified 23 major givers with the capacity to donate $25,000+.

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The Chicago-based urban ministry leveraged GivingDNA to identify a list of 76 donors that would commit to helping them raise $40,000 to meet a match goal on GivingTuesday. They exceeded their goal by $6,000, raising $86,000 in one day.

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Denver Dumb Friends League

The animal welfare organization utilized GivingDNA to segment and revolutionize their direct marketing program to earn more donations. They have maintained a 141% increase in revenue and 85% increase in total gifts YOY.

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Crown Financial Ministries

Crown Financial Ministries significantly enhanced their fundraising efforts by identifying a fresh pool of 535+ donors to invite to their highly anticipated annual event, resulting in a remarkable $17,000 increase in charitable contributions throughout 2021.

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A Regional University in Tennessee

A regional university in Tennessee identified key groups of people using GivingDNA to double their response goals and raise $20k during a campaign fueled by a sensitive situation.

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Moody Bible Institute: Mid-Level Giving Program during COVID-19

When the COVID-19 pandemic began, Moody Bible Institute anticipated a drop in giving. Instead, with the help of GivingDNA, they grew their mid-level giving program to increase their unrestricted revenue by more than 20%.

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CitySquare utilized GivingDNA to segment donors and analyze historical data to identify individuals to invite to their event. They invited 525 high-engaging donors and secured a $35,000 donation from someone who had sporadically only donated a few hundred dollars.

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A National Pediatric Medical Foundation

By leaning into GivingDNA's opportunity alert segment, the pediatric foundation was able to double their sustainer donors year-over-year at a fraction of the cost of their traditional direct mail campaign.

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A Global Ministry

By integrating GivingDNA’s analytics capabilities with the ministry’s existing CRM system, they gained access to a wealth of previously untapped information prompting 55% of respondents to upgrade their giving to larger gifts the following year.

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Lutheran Hour Ministries

Through our GivingDNA tool — and in partnership with data company Windfall — LHM’s development team was able to build rapport and foster relationships with donors, leading to a sizeable increase in donations including multiple $100,000 donations.

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Using Deeply Lapsed Donors to Meet a Fundraising Goal

A public media client attributed 46% revenue in a monthly mailing campaign to deeply lapsed donors by using GivingDNA to identify the donors most likely to reactivate.

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Moody Bible Institute: Year-End Campaign

By leveraging GivingDNA's advanced analytics capabilities and insights, Moody Bible uncovered 2,000 potential donors with substantial capacity for giving. Their 2.3% response rate from their year-end direct mail campaign led to $124,129 in donations.

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Targeting Donors to Give More Pays Off for a Regional Nonprofit Healthcare System

Insights from GivingDNA helped development leaders craft a campaign that led to more than half of identified donors making their largest gift ever. It was the first time donors had ever been asked to increase their giving through direct mail.

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We’ve found new upgrade candidates, high net-worth individuals, and information that helps us know more about the huge influx of new donors we received in the last few months.

Second Harvest Middle Tennessee


With minimal cultivation (only two emails and one phone call), we received five $100,000 gifts from donors who had previously given $500–$2,500 on an annual basis.

Houston SPCA


Our quarterly business findings showed a 32% growth in revenue per donor, and 62% growth in overall revenue.

Community Health Network Foundation

Trusted By

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NFP-Logo (1)
Vertical Foundation logo
HSPCA Logo Black
CitySquare Logo 4C
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Children_s Health logo
Pocket Testament League
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Comanche County Medical Foundation
East Tennessee State University
Rockford University
Operation Kindness
CitySquare Logo 4C
HSPCA Logo Black
Pocket Testament League
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Operation Kindness

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